'Long Hellos . . . Short Goodbyes'
A tribute from Britain's leading contemporary
artists as they celebrated
the life and music of the much-missed international singer John Wright
was held at The Journal Tyne Theatre, Newcastle Upon Tyne
on Friday 5th September 2008
the photos are the copyright of Roger Liptrot ©
Click on a thumbnail for an
enlarged view / Click on underlined
name for a link to Website
The show featured: John Wright's Band: ( Pete
Abbott, Gregor Borland, Joe Wright, Fraser Speirs), Allan
Taylor, Steve Knightley (Show of Hands),
Kieran Halpin, Maartin Allcock & Troy Donockley,
Julie Matthews, Thom Moore, Ray
Hearne, Brian Willoughby, Rolling Home Shanty
and all culminating in a wonderful rendition of ‘Black Clothes’ led by writer
Robin Laing, joined on stage by a host of the performers
and MC David Jones to give us a grand finale
John Wright's Band: ( Pete Abbott, Gregor
Borland, Joe Wright, Fraser Speirs)

Thom Moore
Ray Hearne
Rolling Home Shanty Choir
MC: David Jones

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