Fylde Festival 2009
©All the photos are the copyright of Roger
Liptrot ©
Click on Photo
for an enlarged view / Click on underlined name for a link to Website
The 37th Festival continued the Fylde tradition of presenting
established and up and coming artists with a nod to the ever increasing wealth
of young talent gracing the scene. The weather restricted the amount of Dance
Displays taking place while the workshops proved as popular as ever. Sadly Tony
Benn was unavailable, due to illness, but Steve Knightley joined Roy Bailey
and proved to be a great replacement.
The Festival included Eric Bogle and John Munro’s last ever appearance in the
North West, the duo are now going to spend more time with their families in
Australia, we wish them all the best and thank them for some great memories.
Another Band saying goodbye was The Anna Massie Band who will all be working
on other projects in the future.
Alan Bell Band
Doc Harvey & The Philistans

Ethan Thomas

Dance Displays
The Worst Singer
in the World Winner
If you are or if you know of any youngster
wanting to get involved please visit the Folkus website
at http://www.folkus.co.uk
for details of their future workshops.
©All the photos are the copyright of Roger
Liptrot ©
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